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  • dinnadavisca

Garden Guide for July-August

Updated: Sep 4, 2019

Here at EpicCuriousLife we have been busy in the urban farm and garden. Holding on to summer blooms to keep the vibrant colors going as long as we can...Planning what cool weather crops we want to start...Getting the chicken coop cleaned and ready for fall...And planning for what the beehives will need for winterization.

If you are like me, I am also looking at what I can plant now for immediate satisfaction but also for future harvesting! Here in Northern California, we have a wonderful growing season with mild winters, so gardening can happen all year round. So if you are inspired to start a new bed or add to your flower or vegetable garden, here is a wonderful guide for what you need to do now and what you can plant.

Rudbeckia in the garden


Summer fog will help keep the garden from drying out, but watch for drying soils since summer is the critical time for watering annuals. Established perennials, shrubs and trees need a minimal amount of deep watering.

Planting Guide:

The annual and perennial seeds listed during this period are for fall planting. These same plants can be started in September or when the school year begins.

Vegetative propagation:

  • Ceanothus

  • Lupine

  • Ribes spp.

  • Salvia spp.

Garden Chores and Maintenance:

  • Water and harvest

  • Move up any transplants to larger pots

  • Take rose cuttings

  • Lightly prune and thin trees and shrubs as necessary. Do not prune spring-flowering shrubs or next year's blooms will be lost.

> Information courtesy of Marin Master Gardeners <

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